Thursday, 28 June 2012

Pizza vending machine.

This is the shit!
The future is now, and its quick freshly made robot pizza!
Mmm, Za.
Ok so for €5.00 you get a freshly made 10 inch Pepperoni pizza, peppersnoni if you're a child or an immature 20 something....
We found that using the robot 'za dispenser really draws a crowd, couple a Deutsch students thought it was wunderbar. As did i.

And how was it?.... Pretty good actually, The 'roni was yummy, had a nice spicy kick. The cheese, yeah it was good, the sauce needed work but the base was good and thin, my accomplice was very astute with his comment on the base being some what like a cream cracker. They also had Margarita and Ham as options, you for sure need the toppings, as it would be a fairly boring plain cheese without it, and i like my plain pizza so. So if you have a spare few quid, and not much time to spare i would at least try the robot pizza once, and you can feel like you're in Star Trek, the future is nooooow.
I feel like i should apologise for my use of the word 'Za, it tickles my funny bone, and that's why i say it.

More later


  1. Hahahaha.. I love that you bought pizza from a vending machine!! L-o-v-e I-T!

  2. Had to! I saw the thing and was like "Its on!", but for truths it was pretty nice, better than some I've got in the freezer aisle.
