Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Well, a day on youtube provided a load of nostalgia!
 Lets see, i had a look at The Racoons, Old Garfield, Blossom!(love) and even some Super Ted, So far i have yet to be let down by watching any of them. What are your old school faves that you haven't watched for years?
On the same topic, i was chatting on Facebook to an old school friend that i have not seen in years, due to the fact she lives on an other continent. But we were discussing both Blossom and Beverly Hills 90210, the original not the horror or the one they have now, i guess you could call it the re-boot, yeah boot up its ass wouldn't go a miss. I loved 90210, i was always a Dylan girl, the broody dark thing always and stil does do it for me, i mean the guy had an awesome car and his own place! Yeah i was a pretty shallow eight year old.
At the time i loved the fact he was with Brenda, but as i've grown up i really can't stand her, supah stuck up, though i think Kelly was a bit of a why me type, though she did have a tendency to attract tragedy. Andrea was a bore and David Silver never grew out of his dork role for me. What's your ideas/memories.likes/dislikes on the original 90210?

More Later


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