Friday, 29 June 2012

Smelly feckers

Ok so this is a bit odd, but ever since i put down the cancer sticks, my schnoze has become more sensative. So much so that the other day while sitting on the bus,the girl sat beside me really smelt like grape kool ade and on the walk home an older gent whacked of oxtail soup. Feckn weird really. I' ve found if you use aussie three minute miracle conditioner and niveea pure and natural body lotion, you endnup smelling like freshly made candy floss, now you run the risk of having fat kids lick your arm and bee's swarming round you, but damn do you smell yummy.
So just as a heads up for the shoddier than normal spelling and typing, well i'm using a tablet for the first time.....

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Thursday, 28 June 2012

Pizza vending machine.

This is the shit!
The future is now, and its quick freshly made robot pizza!
Mmm, Za.
Ok so for €5.00 you get a freshly made 10 inch Pepperoni pizza, peppersnoni if you're a child or an immature 20 something....
We found that using the robot 'za dispenser really draws a crowd, couple a Deutsch students thought it was wunderbar. As did i.

And how was it?.... Pretty good actually, The 'roni was yummy, had a nice spicy kick. The cheese, yeah it was good, the sauce needed work but the base was good and thin, my accomplice was very astute with his comment on the base being some what like a cream cracker. They also had Margarita and Ham as options, you for sure need the toppings, as it would be a fairly boring plain cheese without it, and i like my plain pizza so. So if you have a spare few quid, and not much time to spare i would at least try the robot pizza once, and you can feel like you're in Star Trek, the future is nooooow.
I feel like i should apologise for my use of the word 'Za, it tickles my funny bone, and that's why i say it.

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Space case

Totally forgot to update on my trip to npld, from what i remember i had a lovely time.
So it's situated on the land of an old country estate in Co.Sligo, west Ireland. Its a small enough site, with a few stages scattered around, the main stage is in a dome, funnily enough. They had one that was built in to a tee, one that was carved out of the side of a hill, and one that looked like a wild west bar.

Music was actually pretty good, loved The Bog Frogs and The Candidates. The festival is all self sufficient so you don't have people ramming their various wares down your respective throat. Met some cool people, one an actor /producer from the States and one a reviewer for a Belfast publication, the latter called Joseph was a better looking version of Cilian Murphy, nice to boot. The weather sucked, apart from a few hours on the Sunday. The general vibe of the festival was great, people just wanted to be there having the craic and just do the dome. If i wasn't so hungover i would be more explicit but i am so tough luck. I will say that i can't wait for next year.

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Regrets of a drinker

It may or at least should be obvious that the last blog post was written when i was under the influence, the influence of Budweiser and white wine. But i actually like the last post more than most of my others, it finally gave some direction, and maybe showed a little more of me, the weird me.

So i think this may be where i take this lil blog o mine (I'm gonna let it shine), and let the weird flow.
Pressure pressure pressure
I fear i can't get there alone though, like the Gammiest Aul Whore concept came from me insulting my friend, so i should probably take a notepad and pen round with me huh, see what i can capture coming out of this strange aul coconut of mine. And here's a selection of photo's i took last night.

On another note, was very excited to see that I've had readers and that they've been from abroad, America, Germany and Russia, i swear not all Irish are mad, just a lot of us.

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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Gammiest Aul' Whooer

Ok, so a fiend and I have had an idea, one that we feel will be an awesome, awesome thing.
Yes, we want to have an anti-beauty contest, the likes of which hath nary been seen! So, ya! We want the scabbiest aul' slappers with no teeth, mingin' minges, bald spots and sweat patches to compete in games such as "Who can gum a cucumber best" and "Who can sit on an empty wine bottle with the most aplomb"
The name of this televisular spectacular shall be thus "Gammiest Aul' Whooer in Oireland"

Prizes tbd

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PS. The shartier the arse, the better.

PPS. We would totes love if we could have Father Jack Hackett agus Damo & Ivor as our judges.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Well, a day on youtube provided a load of nostalgia!
 Lets see, i had a look at The Racoons, Old Garfield, Blossom!(love) and even some Super Ted, So far i have yet to be let down by watching any of them. What are your old school faves that you haven't watched for years?
On the same topic, i was chatting on Facebook to an old school friend that i have not seen in years, due to the fact she lives on an other continent. But we were discussing both Blossom and Beverly Hills 90210, the original not the horror or the one they have now, i guess you could call it the re-boot, yeah boot up its ass wouldn't go a miss. I loved 90210, i was always a Dylan girl, the broody dark thing always and stil does do it for me, i mean the guy had an awesome car and his own place! Yeah i was a pretty shallow eight year old.
At the time i loved the fact he was with Brenda, but as i've grown up i really can't stand her, supah stuck up, though i think Kelly was a bit of a why me type, though she did have a tendency to attract tragedy. Andrea was a bore and David Silver never grew out of his dork role for me. What's your ideas/memories.likes/dislikes on the original 90210?

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Monday, 25 June 2012

Where did it all go wrong?

Ok, so this is a massively self indulgent post.

Its about the break down of relationships, not of the romantic kind.
I always seem to run into problems with people, i will take some of the blame but why is it others can't do the same, instead it feels like you have a shit storm unleashed upon you with enough gusto it would make Niagra Falls look like a piddly little water gun. It just doesn't seem right or fair, and isn't it just a bit silly after
a certain age?
Lately all this drama has really being getting me down, increased anxiety, paranoia and generally feeling like you've caused every little bad thing that's ever happened, and no-one should feel or be made to feel like that.

Its all about being responsible with the feelings of others, of course you shouldn't sacrifice your own, but jeez, have a fucking heart. Its especially hurtful when you try and reach out, make things good etc and nothing!zip, zilch, nada. Frankly i feel like people don't think i'm worth the time, and some may not but it may also just be a flaw in my personality.

I guess it doesn't help when you feel abandoned a lot of the time (thanks to a death maybe). Ugggh, i don't want to be so blah, but i know i'm not the only one feeling like this, i just wish there was a way to open a line of honest communication between people that was accessible and people would be happy to use, instead of us all just closing down and keeping it all locked up, can't be good really.

When did we stop caring more about others and more about ourselves?

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