Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Quittin' the schmokes!


So i quit smoking on the 21/02/2012, which if you look is the same backwards as it is forwards... Maybe lucky? I smoked on and off when i was in my early teens, as a lot do sadly. But i really got addicted after a very bad happening, i was 17. For years i've been messing with my health and burning my money just for the pleasure of pumping 4000 chemicals into my body, yeah what a deal! So for the fast few months i got more and more fed up with it. Then when i had decided that i wanted to go back to college, i had my reason! I can't afford to do both, money will be tight enough as is. And i will be damned if i smoke rollies.

So day one i went loopy, spent a fortune on stuff like wool, candles and random snacks from Asia. All in the hope to keep myself busy.

I found that my anxiety levels are higher and i'm combating that with Kalms and chamomile tea, both good. And i find the ritual of tea before bed comforting, and a much better ritual of two smokes and probably a few more when i can't sleep. I'm sniffly as all hell but i was before i quit, and from what i hear its just my body "healing" itself. Cool, if anything it will make me more determined to stay off em' so i don't have to do this again.

First night out after i ha quit was hard, i had gone to a gig in town with my friend Phitzy, where we later met up with Liz. I stuuupidly said it would be fine to sit in the smoking are, as the others still smoke i didn't want to be left alone inside etc. At one point i was bargaining with body parts for a sweet sweet lung full off crap. We later rolled on to a house party, where i continued to want to pull my own skin off. Luckily for me i had a load of people helping me to stay the course, it was very Blanch DuBois. Since then i avoid smoking whilst drinking, and it really helps.

On the patch, 25mg for 16 hours, but rarely keep it on that long. Yes i've heard that they don't work in the long term, but with help i can do it, i also have a relative who quit one the patch and hasn't smoked since the 80's.

The strange thing since i quit is that a rash of folks are now thinking of doing it, i would love to think i'm just so cool that people follow my every move but i doubt that.

The one bit of advice i can give right now is one that is everywhere, the cravings only last for a few minutes! Not too bad huh. Plus when i feel one coming on i keep telling myself i will win and all the good reasons to stay off them. I'm planning on going to Spain for a wedding next year so having a financial goal to reach is also pretty good inspiration.

Must not forget the physical benefits i already fee, more energy and more stamina!

More later


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