Monday, 30 July 2012

Random collection of crap from my brain that isn't long enough to warrant it's own posts.

The Spaniard's are coming!
Every summer Ireland is subjected to a Spanish invasion, they send over there teens to learn the Englis language. It is a living nightmare! Swarms of these kids fill every available space. Walking home i noticed a large group taking up the entire path, wouldn't be such a problem if a green wasn't directly beside them, two steps away. They walked on the busy road with out looking and even at one point forcing an older gent with a cane to walk on the road, a car stopped specifically to let him pass. Disgusting behaviour. On public transport i had two teen boys fighting on the seat right beside me. Where are the manners? Do Irish kids act the same when they go abroad without their parents? We used to take in students from around the world, and by far the Spanish kids were the most spoiled, one practically wanted my mother to put his clothes out for him. We had a German girl and an American girl and they were fantastic, is it just that these kids are a little spoiled and self entitled? Just as a clarification i generally have no problem with the Spanish, just their unruly kids.

Power Cuts.
So recently we had a night where the power kept going out, and apart from the horrible realisation that i am so completely reliant on technology it got me thinking.
What are your power cut stories?
I can remember making toast with the neighbour kids, over an open fire and my Mum making beans on top of the portable gas hob. Laughing so hard at a friend who thought we could turn on a lava lamp as a source of light.
My Mum asking if she presses the off button on the tv remote, will it turn the tv off when the power comes back.

Romantic interactions in friend groups.
This is a pretty common occurrence, right? Multiple friends who seem to always hook up with each other.
I've found if you're single and a female it's like it's open season, now is that as they actually like you or because you're there? Do you go for it, and why? Because you like them or because they're there also?
Then there's the awkward moment when one likes another but the other feels different, that ones seem to be very prevalent, much more so than the halcyon days of yore when it was a big aul game of swapsies.
So if both people are on board to give it a go, is it worth the risk? Do you risk losing friends in the break up and possibly the friendship you had with your would be lover?And then the drama filled hook ups, that seems to turn the whole group against one ore both people. What do you guys think? Please feel free to comment!

More later

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Pretty flowers

This post is really just an excuse to post some pics of pretty flowers, heavily featuring my personal fave..the Hydrangea! Love it.

All pics were taken using my Olympus VR-340, i bought it as a reward for quittin' the sticks. i really like it, it takes a little getting used to but it's worth it. I'm no photog, just a keen amateur. It replaces a Nikon that had really horrible colour quality, a very bluey hue was apparent in all but the filtered colours. I don't have a smart phone so all the Olympus magic filters are super fun to play with, I've used both thr pop art and pin hole on the ones above. The pop art is lovely for outdoor stuff (like festivals) and flowers, such a nice saturation of colour. Pin hole is just nice, good colour quality and yeah just like. So i love taking pics of flowers, what're your favorite picture subjects? Kids, pets, food?

More later


I'd like to be, under the sea.

So chatting to a friend yesterday some how brought up the idea of raver fish, you know the fish that live so deep down the have phosphorescent bodies etc, well they would be like the ravers of the deep blue! It made me think, or should i say daydream, how amazing would a deep sea club be! Like in that ep of The Simpson's when Marge and homer are divorced i think, and Homer lives in the bubble house. It would be fantastic! You could go 24 hours without worrying about noise complaints, watch the local life (porpoises, crabs etc). You would prolly want a hotel connected though, that is only for the party hardy who have got weary after two days of raging (yeah I've done this), no wet blankets allowed (pardon the pun). And it could host really exclusive gigs, but the kind that could be opened to everyone having the opportunity to go, none of this only the rich and famous bs, us norm's want in! So yeah, under sea clubs..thoughts?

More later